Parallel: A Vision of a Harmonious Civilization

Exploring a Parallel Universe Living in Symbiosis with Nature

The inspiration for the design comes from human evolution and the idea of a civilization intelligent enough to live in harmony with nature, using technology to complement rather than destroy it.

The human race has a history of being more self-destructive than constructive. However, according to ancient eastern philosophies, there must be an opposite to everything. This project, aptly named "Parallel," aims to illustrate the concept of a parallel universe where another human-like civilization thrives in peace and harmony with nature, relying on symbiosis rather than technology for survival.

The project, led by designer Chris Slabber, showcases a series of photographs that mimic the style of Renaissance paintings. The models were photographed in a studio, with dramatic lighting reminiscent of chiaroscuro. The landscapes, chosen for their alien-like qualities, were shot in Namibia. The images were then brought together in Photoshop, with colors adjusted to mimic the tones of old Renaissance paintings. A cracking texture was added to age the pieces, giving them the appearance of old paintings.

One of the unique aspects of this project is the use of a cracked surface texture created by applying a mixture of egg yolk and powder paint to a wooden board. The board was then exposed to harsh sunlight to form the desired cracked surface. This texture was photographed and overlaid in Photoshop, adding a realistic element to the final composition.

Parallel serves as a visual awakening, urging humanity to use technology for the benefit of the planet and not for personal gain. By allowing nature to take its course and learning to adapt, humans can evolve to a higher level of thought and embrace a symbiotic outlook. Currently, technology is accelerating life rather than allowing it to unfold naturally, driven by human greed and curiosity.

The project, which began in November 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa, and concluded in February 2016 in Oudtshoorn, South Africa, will be displayed to the public in mid-2016 through selected South African galleries. It is an invitation to live less complicated lives and embrace a harmonious coexistence with nature.

Parallel has received recognition for its outstanding creativity and innovation. It was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in Photography and Photo Manipulation in 2016. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate exceptional expertise, technical characteristics, and artistic skill, evoking positive emotions and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chris Slabber
Image Credits: Image No 1: Photographer Dirk Steenkamp, Manipulator Chris Slabber, Adam & Eve, 2016. Optional Image No 1: Photographer Dirk Steenkamp, Manipulator Chris Slabber, Adam 1, 2016. Optional Image No 2: Photographer Dirk Steenkamp, Manipulator Chris Slabber, Eve 1, 2016. Optional Image No 3: Photographer Dirk Steenkamp, Manipulator Chris Slabber, Adam 2, 2016. Optional Image No 4: Photographer Dirk Steenkamp, Manipulator Chris Slabber, Eve 2, 2016. Video: Footage Kleinjan Groenewald, Editing Chris Slabber
Project Team Members: Creative Direction - Chris Slabber Photo Manipulation - Chris Slabber Photography - Dirk Steenkamp Lighting - Kleinjan Groenewald & Dirk Steenkamp Models - Kimbal Stokes & Chris Vlok
Project Name: Parallel
Project Client: Chris Slabber

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